
The Summer Of Transitioning From Middle School

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The summer of transitioning from middle school to high school was full of anticipation. I was fourteen and nervous about starting high school, anxiously counting down the days and hours until the first day. I would start swimming that fall for my high school’s swim team; which filled me with both excitement and anxiety over grueling practices and meets. However, all of this anticipation for school and swimming quickly fled once the news of Hurricane Irene broke. The storm was destined to hit the Connecticut shoreline the same week school started. It quickly became the only thing people talked about. If I turned on the news it was all the weathermen would talk about for days and how to prepare for it. My anticipation for school was replaced by anticipating the storm. The next few days after the news broke back to school shopping was replaced with buying batteries, flashlights, and other supplies necessary for a storm. My family and I were expecting to lose power, but thankfully not any water damage due to the steep sea wall that protects my neighborhood from the Long Island Sound. Hurricane Irene was to reach the Northeast early in the morning on August 28th, two days before school started. The night the storm hit my mom, dad, sister, and I slept in the basement of our house just in case a tree were to fall and hit our house. I remember that night not being too scared but more curious to see if the storm would be as bad as everyone hyped it up to be. Even

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