
The Tyger Poem Figurative Language

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Why did God create both gentle and fearful creatures? Why did God create a world with bloodshed, pain and terror? "The Tyger" by William Blake, written in 1794 and included in his collection "Songs of Innocence and Experience", takes readers on a journey of faith. Through a cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake motivates the readers to question God. Blake sees a necessity for balance in the world, and suggests to the readers that God created a world with a balance of good and evil so that humanity can see goodness more clearly through contrast and comparison. This theme is achieved through the poem's imagery, figurative language, and structure. Through the use of symbolism and figurative language, the images Blake creates of …show more content…

The expression "wings dare he aspire" can also be an allusion of heaven, as "wings" represent angels. The tiger was born in "distant deeps or skies"(787), implying that the tiger was created with the creator's consciousness and fantasy. The verbs: "twist", "seize", and "burnt" all foreground the power and strength of the creator. Through these lines: "And what shoulder, and what art,/Could twist the sinews of thy heart?"(787), Blake demonstrates the creator's capability. Originally, "sinews" is defined as the very tendon that enables the heart to beat. Blake uses "sinews" here as a metaphor for strength, power, and life. Thus, to "twist the sinews" requires physical prowess. Blake seems to be suggesting that the creator of the tiger is not only strong; but also, the creator believes in his own strength and vision. The word "shoulders" represents responsibilities and burden; therefore the term implies the risk the creator had to take for creating such a fearful creature.

Through these lines: "What the hammer? what the chain?/In what furnace was thy brain?/What the anvil? what dread grasp/Dare its deadly terrors clasp?"(788) a vivid picture of the forging process is presented in front of the readers. And the image of a powerful, courageous, and artistic creator of the tiger deepens. It leads the readers to speculate who the creator could be if not God. The tools - "hammer", "chain",

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