
The Symptoms Of Adult Bipolar Disorder

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This paper will delve into the symptoms of adult bipolar disorder and explain the psychological, sociocultural and treatment associated with this psychological disorder. Using research through online and offline resources this paper will compare the major types of bipolar disorders and relate different treatments associated with this type of disorder. This paper will also examine the management of the disorder, as well as, the impact on the friends, family and coworkers. According to American with Disabilities Act ( bipolar disorder is recognized to be protected under law against discrimination. This paper will study the effects of disclosing the psychological disorder in the workplace. This paper will also analyze what …show more content…

That equates to 2.6% of the population over the age of 18 every year. 250 million people worldwide are estimated to have bipolar disorder and more than two-thirds have one or more family members that have a mental illness. That is why the National Institute of Mental Health has indicated that bipolar disorder may have an inheritable component to the disease. The risk is low only between 0.5 and 1.6%, but the disorder is one of the most devastating, with a suicide rate of 10 to 20% among patients (Huffman/Dowdell). According to the NIMH bipolar is a manic-depressive illness which causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It is a brain disorder and can be severe. The symptom that a person with the bipolar disorder suffers with is different than the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through in life. The disorder can ruin relationships, result in poor job performance and even can get as severe as suicide. With treatment the disorder can be controlled through a comprehensive plan. Research has hinted that there is a genetic component to the bipolar disorder; but research on children with a family history of bipolar disorder, compared with those that did not have a family member with the disorder, were inconclusive. Brain-imaging studies show that patients with bipolar disorder have different brain from healthy people and even those with

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