
The Target Customer Segment That Uber

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The specific environment, which is the set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization’s boundaries but affect its ability to acquire and use resources to create value, of a company is impacted by their customers, distributors, unions, competitors, suppliers, and the government. All forces impact Uber and how the organization reacts to its general and specific environment. The target customer segment that Uber is trying to attract to its company are people who do not own a car, don’t want to drive themselves to a party, want to travel in style, or want a cost efficient cab waiting for them at their door. Specifically, according to Vugo, a rideshare advertising firm, the majority of Uber customers are between the ages of 25 and 35. In addition, the typical rider is male (60%), has at least a bachelor’s degree (80% of riders), and are considered to be affluent (56% of all rideshare passengers reported a household income of at least $71,000).
If the demand from these customers’ change, then Uber will be forced to evolve to retain the customer segment, while adapting to the new segment. According to Anne Freier, in her article “Uber usage statistics and revenue” on Business of Apps, Uber currently offers their service to sixty countries, have eight million users, and give over one million rides daily.1 By offering more specialized rides Uber is trying to gain a larger market share and customize the experience to their customers. They are continuing to expand

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