
The Theories Of Maslow 's Theory

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It is difficult to perceive that a subject as abstract as that of creativity or imagination is tangible to modern science. Technology and psychophysiological research into the cognitive functions of the brain have advanced the field of neuroscience to a realm that not just merely anatomically maps the brain with its different lobes, and dendrites, and neural pathways, but also has found the deeper “mind.” A thought, an idea, a memory, or an answer were previously intangible concepts. However, the brain can also create data or a fictional thought and subsequently transmit it into the world. The question is how is it possible - and why?
The ability to imagine, to create, and to innovate is distinctly human. It is deeply rooted in the human psyche to the point that psychologist Abraham Maslow placed it at the top of his hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s theory was first published in a paper written in 1943 and is as often referenced today in higher educational and psychology. Maslow’s pyramid consists of five levels, beginning with the most basic of human needs and then increases in level of desire culminating with Self-Actualization (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Self-actualization is the self-fulfillment of a human being. To feel enlightened and to realize one’s own mindful potential is considered a psychological need. It “represents growth of an individual toward fulfillment of the highest needs; those for meaning in life, in particular growth

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