
The Theory Of Developmental Psychology

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Developmental psychology is viewed as different approaches which aims to look at how children and adults develop. Theories such as Bowlby 's attachment theory can explain how a child 's development can be altered by their attachment, thus leading to the ideology of the nature vs nurture debate, nature referring to the process of biological maturation while nurture is referring to the impact of the environment or surroundings, which involves the idea that a person learns through experiences. (McLeod, S. A, 2012)
The Psychodynamic approach was developed by Freud who stated that we have the conscious, preconscious and unconscious mind. Erikson agreed with Freud about this area of development but his main concern was that of the social side …show more content…

Monotropy acts like a framework through the internal working model. Bowlby stated that infants are born with innate social releasers which encourage the caregiver to provide care. Furthermore this primary attachment needs to happen during a time called the ‘critical period’ (Holmes, 1993). This is supported by Lorenz (1935) who took a large clutch of goose eggs and kept them until they were about to hatch out. Half of the eggs were then placed under a goose mother, while Lorenz kept the other half beside himself for several hours. Lorenz found that geese follow the first moving object they see, during a 12-17 hours critical period after hatching. This process is known as imprinting. However, there are flaws in this evolutionary theory, which is Schaffer and Emerson’s research of 60 infants in Glasgow concluded that all infants made a primary attachment, this supports Bowlby’s assumption of monotropy. However they also found that infants made multiple attachments which undermine this. (A2 Psychology 101, 2014)

Another principle of the attachment theory is the need to develop social, cognitive and emotional skills. To relate this to the attachment theory, the child would of had a primary caregiver who reinforced social, cognitive and emotional development, if a child was not being stimulated accordingly bowlby 's theory of maternal deprivation this would result in long term cognitive, social, and emotional difficulties. This is supported by

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