
The Theory Of Developmental Psychology

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Developmental Psychology 2


Developmental Psychology is a scientific study that shows psychological changes in human being to birth to adulthood. It was first made to help infants and children, but now it has expanded to help the adolescence and adults just as well. Paul B. Baltes, has apply the six principles of human development, lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, gains and losses, contextual and historical, and multidisciplinary. There are several fields of developmental psychology like Adolescence, Attachment, Cognitive development, Education, and Parenting that will be address. Developmental psychology also examines the nature and nurture of our human development change, by the studies done. Researchers like to see the difference between human personal characteristic. It shows there have been discussions over the essentials and dynamic development and the development of the stages and hypothesis. Behavioral and cognitive psychology studies how human functions from infant into adulthood , but among the theories lifespan psychology by Paul B. Baltes explore the biological, cognitive, and psychological changes in humans lifetime.

Keywords: Attachment, Cognitive development, Education, Parenting, Psychosocial development .

Developmental Psychology 3

Attachment theory is one of the

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