
The Theory Of Loss And Grief Essay

Decent Essays

We 've all experienced loss and grief because as humans we are relational beings. “loss and grief are fundamental aspects of human existence, basic building blocks of our life experiences (100 thompson). Emotionally we give our hearts to people or things. “We cannot avoid it and so the challenge we face is to prepare ourselves as much as we reasonably can (126 thompson). One of the ways we can prepare ourselves to experience loss and grief is by understanding it. Kubler’s infamous stages of grief are traditionally where we should start as it is the most well-known theory of loss. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969 studied people who were dying; witnessing that each person went through the same five stages. From her observations she developed the ‘stages of loss’ model: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Still today theories of loses reflect on Kubler’s original five stages, but have either expanded or narrowed them depending on the theory. Personally, I find these stages comforting as each time I experience a loss of relational context I find myself going through each stage. It’s comforting because they remind me that everyone experiences what I’m experiencing; that I’m not alone. Another theory of loss is the four tasks approach. William Worden in 1991 developed a task system over the stages approach. His basic concept was that the process of loss should be one of resiliency. The four tasks include: accepting the reality of loss, working through the pain

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