
The Theory Of Motivation As Forces Within An Individual

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It Is Not Fair Case Study
This case study discusses the theory of motivation as forces within an individual that account for the direction, level, and persistence of a person’s effort used at work. According to Schermerhorn, Osborne, Uhl-Bien, and Hunt (2012), the research of Motivational Theories is divided into two types of theories, content and process theories. Content theories focus on physiological and psychological deficiencies while process theories of motivation to focus on how cognitive processes as thoughts and decisions with the minds of people influence their behavior. In this case study we will focus on the process theories (p. 102). We begin with a woman named Mary Jones, while she was in the last year of college, she was interviewing for jobs. Mary graduated in the upper part of her class and she was highly respected by her instructors. Being in the top one percent of her class she was offered positions in every corporation she had an interview with. After thinking over several offers, she began working for Universal Products, which was a global company. Along with Mary, Susan Stevens was a recent hire, also working for the same manager. Despite both had the same qualifications, Sue somehow had the advantage. Mary had a great attitude before she met Sue, she held the company in respect and was actually proud of working for Universal. Moreover, her contribution in the company was being valued and she was given inspiring projects which

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