
The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

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People may think that each student learns the same way yet that is not true. Each child is different, and it depends on their learning ability and intelligence. Intelligence is conventionally defined as a uniform cognitive capacity with which people are born. Howard Gardner defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems, or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings. Today, there are nine distinct intelligences. Some of these include musical, interpersonal, existential and a few more (2004). The Theory of Multiple Intelligences has helped students that learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways (Lane).

Howard Gardner is the scientist who came up with the Theory of Multiple …show more content…

The third intelligences is visual/spatial. These students can formulate pictures and models in their mind. They are good with painting and sculpting art, and teachers allow students to express this through art projects, charts, and video software (2004).

Three more intelligences are bodily/kinesthetic, naturalistic, and musical. Bodily/kinesthetic intelligences are bodily that process information through what they feel and sensations in their body (Lane). In order to help them learn, they have to interact with others, and they also need to act out what they are doing. Teachers help students embrace this through hands on activities or acting out their lessons (2004). Naturalistic intelligences can easily identify plants, animals, and anything out in nature. They can easily tell you what blooms this time of year and what is in hibernation. Teachers will typically do classification activities with these children to help them learn (Lane). Musical learners can compose music, determine notes, and read the music. They learn best through song and rhythm which is why teachers sometimes make up songs with lyrics in order to get the lesson taught.

The last three intelligences are interpersonal, intrapersonal, and existential. An interpersonal learner can interpret the actions, moods, and motivations of others. They have to be good at communication and also have great people skills.

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