
The Theory Of Reasoned Action

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Theory of Reasoned Action suggests that person’s behaviour is the consequence of the intention to perform that behaviour and that attitude toward the behaviour and subjective norm greatly affect the intention. Always intention or person’s willingness to perform a given task (behaviour) precedes the behaviour; therefore attitude toward a specific behaviour and the subjective norms greatly influences the interntion.
To determine the intention, both attitudes toward the behaviour and person’s subjective norms needs to be measured. Subjective norms represent person’s beliefs about how people around them perceive the behaviour. It’s crucial to assess person’s beliefs and attitudes in predicting his/her intention (University of Twente., THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR). In Oral Health context, patient’s behaviour is assessed using the Theory of Reasoned Action. In order to predict patient’s behavior of brushing one’s teeth at least twice a day directed to achieve clean and healthy teeth in a given time, specific attitudes and the patient’s subjective judgment regarding others’ preference should be assessed. This study leads in understanding patient’s behaviour and helping him/her in maintaining a healthy Oral Hygiene.
The above phenomenon states that person’s motivation to carry out a given behaviour is influenced by the attitudes which in turn have a greater impact on the behaviour. Behaviour intention refers to the effort and the level of commitment a patient puts in toward

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