
The Thin Ideal Body Research Paper

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and female, are often looked to as the ‘ideal.’ Perhaps this is due to their level of success, which the public attributes, in part, to their physical appearance.” (Pitura, 62). This then pairs beauty and success together, this combination creating happiness. This paring makes one without the other insufficient, and therefore making happiness unachievable for the real women in America. Peggy Chin Evans, took a closer look into why women try to achieve this idealized body type, she states, “It is possible that women strive for the thin-ideal body type by associating thinness with positive life success, and it may be this life success that women strive to achieve via having a thin-ideal body.” (Peggy, 209). As girls grow they will try to emulate …show more content…

I want to implement a body positive week here at CNU. I want to create a safe, loving, environment where people can feel comfortable in their own skin. It would be weeklong event, that would have a hash tag that fellow captains can use to tweet and Instagram what makes them beautiful, mainly with the idea that these pictures would be unedited, no filters added, real and raw pictures of who they really are. I would hope to start off the week by dedicating the first two days just getting the student body aware of the body positivity event. Handing out flyers and starting up conversations on what they believe beauty is. Then on the third day I would start by having students write down what they find beautiful it would be something physical or emotional, but something that they personally believe makes someone pretty. The fourth day I would set up a speaker (Julia v. Taylor) who gives speeches in body and beauty in America. The fifth day I want to create an event where people both male and female can share what they dislike about their bodies, where they write it down and have a time and space where they can recall a time their body was criticized by society. Then I plan to help eliminate these thoughts by educating people on what media actually does to get these beautiful people in advisements. To show this I would show the (movie from class) on the fourth day. On the sixth day I hope to set a up function where I could get women from different ethnic backgrounds come to the DSU and present what is beautiful in their culture, showing the wide range of beauty. Finally on the last and final day I want them to say/ write something that they like about themselves and then something they have done in their life that they are personally proud of, something that has nothing to do with their outward appearance. I feel as though this week

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