
The Three Stages Of The Life-Course Perspective

Decent Essays

The life-course perspective has three stages; childhood, adulthood and old age. Each stage of the life-course perspective is a social construct. Society, itself, creates a social construct thus age is a social construct. People have developed a perception that depending on our age things are socially acceptable or not. This includes the clothes we wear, our actions and our lifestyle. The life-course perspective can be seen as useful in helping us to perceive social construction of age and it is a lifelong process. ------- thus the life-course perspective can be seen as significant in helping us understand social construction of age.

The life-course perspective is a social construction of development and ageing. The life courses refers to pathways through the age-differentiated life span, to social patterns in the timing, duration, spacing and order of events (Elder, 1978). In 1993 the Hockey and James theory was created-which is a metaphor (Lovatt, 2017). The theory is that birth/childhood is the seasons of Spring/Summer and the seasons of Autumn/Winter represents old age/death. Spring/Summer symbolises birth/childhood as during these seasons baby animals are born and plants start to grow. Autumn/Winter symbolises old age/death as plants and trees die during these seasons due to cold and brutal weather conditions. Adulthood is the peak of life as it is the most independent stage of life. Children work towards adulthood as they see it as being independent and they can live

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