
The Traditions Of Food Is Life : Food Is Life

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“Food is Life” means that everything people do in life revolves around food. Most social events focus around food and people correlate significant memories with particular foods. Furthermore, people travel to faraway cities and countries just to experience a new variety of food. For instance, the Minnesota State Fair gets roughly two million visitors in the two week span it’s open, this is the United States’ largest fair. Many of the people that do visit the fair are from Minnesota, there has been a large amount that travel across the country, mainly just to try the different foods. Humans obviously need food in order to survive, just like we all need oxygen and water, but it is the chef’s job to make the dining experience memorable and exciting. A chef once told me, “I like making people happy, so that’s why I became a chef. Food always makes people happy.” There is truth to that statement, almost everyone loves eating good food and many people love to be the ones to make it. Food brings people together through the creation of it and the eating of it. Different cultures have unique eating habits, foods, and traditions. After all, eating is one of the few things on earth that every single person has in common with one another. So many people’s fondest memories involve restaurants, cooking or baking with a loved one, or special traditions in their culture or family. My family has a tradition of making a gingerbread house in December, decorating it together, then eating it

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