
The Truth About Kennedy's Assassination

Decent Essays

The Truth About Kennedy’s Assassination

There needs to be more explaining and evidence on about President Kennedy’s assassination because what the government says is nonsense and doesn’t line up. The government says it was Oswald, but how could that be he had a wife and kids, so why would he want to go away from them and go to prison? There's things that the government has concealed from the public. Just something seems to be off about the government's explanation. I'm going to try to give an explanation for what seems to be the truth due to the information I found in the article “The JFK Assassination”.
See, here's what I think is that Oswald was a part of a larger conspiracy than we know, but in this conspiracy he is innocent. Also instead of Oswald it was the government, a bar owner(Jack Ruby), and the mob did it because how would someone be calm and have no sweat if he did shoot Kennedy? In addition, be on the 6th floor, then get on the 4th floor in ninety seconds and still have regular breathing?
Now you might be saying, “What why would they have?”. There's an explanation which is that the government didn't like Kennedy. I think this because he made the mob angry and the government didn’t like that he did. Now Jack Ruby had connections to police and they work for the …show more content…

You might agree, disagree, or even be more confused than before. Either way I just had to take my freedom of speech to make this assassination more into reality unlike the government. This is my explanation and this should be clearing up some of the questions or maybe leaves us with more questions. I even still have a few questions, but my main question is if my theory is correct that they government was involved, then why didn’t they just kill him along time before if they did want him dead? I also can answer my question which is that they wanted the right time, in front of a huge crowd to keep it a mystery to everyone

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