
Who Is to Blame for JFK's Assassination?

Decent Essays

Who is to blame?

John F. Kennedy, the youngest elected and first catholic president was campaigning for a second term when he was assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The accused shooter Lee Harvey Oswald, was first arrested for killing a police officer at point blank. It was shortly after the shooting when he was arrested with a gun in his possession at a nearby movie theater. He was then later accused of killing President Kennedy. The evidence presents that there could be alternatives to the official account that was made about the accuser. Conspiracies suggest Oswald acted alone, was framed, or worked with an organization to commit this crime.
According to the Warren Commission Report, Oswald didn’t have anything to do with a foreign government. He was not employed or influenced by any group to assassinate President Kennedy. It was taken into consideration the issue of when Oswald lived in the Soviet Union. Also him having contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and his visits to Cuban and Soviet Embassies in Mexico City while in Mexico. After looking into these issues, Commission came to the conclusion that Oswald did in fact act alone. Before they determined this, they looked into the assassin’s life and what his motives could have been. Oswald’s personal life, life history, and actions contributed to this although there was no absolute evidence of what his motives were. The Warren Commission Report was based mostly on the 500 page FBI report about

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