
The Truth about Single- Sex Schooling Essay examples

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Single-Sex Schooling

Single-Sex Schools have been looked down upon by many due to the belief that students will not be able to function comfortably with the opposite sex when leaving to go to a coeducational College or University. This belief is usually also partnered with the thought that single-sex schools represent segregation, many people do believe that these types of schools promote the separation of males and females. Some also may believe that all single-sex schools are in fact private, meaning that tuition for these schools are expensive, and cater to the wealthy. However, all of these beliefs are far from the truth. Not only are single sex schools offered in public education, but studies have also shown that attending …show more content…

Messinger states that ?body image and eating disturbances are due to a sense of gender ambivalence resulting from increased exposure to conflicting gender role prescription? (Messinger, 2001). This statement is saying that when young females are in a mixed environment it is hard to determine what is a healthy image and what is not. James Coleman, author of ?The Adolescent Society?, also shares the belief that body concerns play a major role in a co-ed environment. Coleman states that co-educational schools ?create an environment of dating and popularity being more important then education?(Dollison, 1998). For females especially appearance plays a major role in adolescents. To be in an environment with the opposite sex seems to increase this pressure; thus making schoolwork and education play a much lesser role. While attending a single-sex school, girls have a decreased chance of being exposed to sex-role stereotyping (Messinger, 5). These stereotypes of how females should be create many girls to do anything to achieve ?perfection? even if this does mean hurting their education in the process.

Throughout middle school and high school, many females begin to suffer from not only body issues, but also poor self-esteem. However, studies have been conducted on the self-esteem of females in single-sex and mixed-sex schools. These studies have been made by processing not just general self-esteem, but rather more multidimensional measures in categories such as

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