
The United States Law-Making and Implementation Processes

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The United States law-making and implementation processes are very rigorous and complex. There are multiple steps to go through before something becomes an official law of the United States. Basically, there are seven steps in the federal legislative process. When the process is set in motion, there are various aspects of American politics that limit Presidents’ powers to pass and implement their policy agenda. All in all, law-making is not a simple task in the Unites States; there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. To start the process of a bill becoming law, the bill must be introduced. Any one member of Congress can introduce a bill or any other type of legislation, they are called the sponsors. Also, any member of the same body, either the House or Senate, can add their name the day after a bill has been introduced; in turn they are cosponsors (naeyc). Once a bill has been introduced, it must be referred to a committee with jurisdiction over the primary issue of legislation (naeyc). Bills can be referred to several different committees and subcommittees. Soon after there is a determination on whether there will be a hearing. There are sometimes mark ups where members of the committee meet to offer amendments and changes to the introduced bill (naeyc). Next, there is the committee report. The committee chairman’s staff will compose a report of the bill including many different things. It will describe the intent of legislation, the legislative history such as

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