
The Upper Room Discourse ( John 13-17 )

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The Upper Room Discourse (John 13-17) marked the end of Jesus’ three-year ministry and served to be Jesus’ farewell address to the beloved apostles. During Jesus’ final moments with the apostles, Jesus would proceed to institute a new blood covenant (Luke 22:20; Mark 14:24) and provide final instructions and encouragement to the apostles before facing the sorrow, rejection, betrayal, and death for which Jesus had come into this world (Houdmann, n.d.). Thus, the final moments between Jesus and the apostles revealed countless theological truths that were demonstrated through word, deed, admonishment, and prophecy (Douglas & Tenney, 2010).
Before revealing those truths, Jesus would have to settle a dispute (Luke 22:24) amongst the apostles …show more content…

Jesus’ departure also created anxiety and questions amongst the apostles (Pentecost, 1981). Thus, in the narrative of John 13:36-14:31, Jesus lovingly admonishes the apostles with the command of “Let not your heart be troubled” (Wiersbe, 2007). As a consequence of this command, Jesus promised the apostles a place in heaven along with Christ’s return (John 14:3), assurance that Christ was the way to the Father (John 14:6), and a permanent, indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16; Acts 13:52) who would be the apostle’s teacher (Luke 12:12) in Jesus’ absence (Gromacki, 1978). Most profound is the fact that with Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the apostles would benefit in Jesus’ absence (John 14:9) with greater spiritual power (Pentecost, 1981). Additionally, Jesus also revealed the divine essence of the Godhead (John 14:9) while further defining the true essence of Christianity, “Ye in me, I in you” (Gromacki, 1978).
As Jesus continued instructing the apostles in John 15:1-16:4, attention was turned to the apostle’s present condition and how the “great commission” could be fulfilled (Pentecost, 1981). In the metaphor of the vine and branches (John 15:5), Christ

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