
The Use Of Social Media

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The rapid use of social media can explain the growing trend of revenge porn occurrences (Wilson, 2014), as the advances in technology have transformed the way that sexual violence can be perpetrated (Mcglynn and Rackley, 2017). Due to the development in mobile phone technology that has become increasingly more intelligent and complex, cameras are included as a standard feature on most smart phone models, which allows people to share images and videos with ease in a matter of seconds. The technological advancements allow a person to take an incident image, distribute it and coerce a victim all via the use of one tool which makes it extremely accessible and convenient (McCartan and McAlister, 2012). In depth studies have focused on peoples …show more content…

Despite research revealing that revenge porn is a very personal crime that often leaves its victims feeling emotionally vulnerable (Franks, & Citron 2014), a recent study by Pina, Holland and James (2017) found that ninety nine percent of participants expressed at least some approval of it, showing little remorse towards the concept and surprisingly eighty seven percent expressed some excitement indicating that it may be socially encouraged. It is important to establish why people show some approval towards this crime and are even excited by it as it may suggest that it is becoming socially acceptable and perhaps an encouraged norm. There is also evidence to suggest that victims receive more judgment and blame if they took an explicit image or video themselves as oppose to without their consent or knowledge (Najdowski, & Hildegrand, 2014). Further evidence of this view comes from research by Henry, Flynn and Powell (2017) who found that sixty two percent of people would hold a victim partly responsible if they sent someone an indecent image of themselves and it ends up online. Bothamley and Tully (2017) studied factors that influenced victim blaming and found that the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim did not influence perceptions of victim blame and nor did the reason for the relationship breakdown, thus the research by Najdowski and Hildegrand (2014) needs to be further explored to clarify exactly in what context do

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