
The Use Of Testing For Doping Controls Using A Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

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"Analysis of Prohibited Drugs in Blood for Doping Controls using a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer" 1-Introduction 1.1-Use of prohibited drugs in competitive sports 1.2-Commonly tested analytes for doping control 1.3-Techniques employed 2-Sampling 2.1-Sample preparation 3-Experimental Techniques 3.1-LC/MS 3.2-LC/TMS 4-Latest Advancements in the field 4.1-Sensitivity 4.2-Accuracy 4.3-Automation 5-Conclusion 6-References Figures and Tables Fig: 1 Fig: 2 Fig: 3 Fig: 4 Table: 1 Table: 2 ABSTRACT The use of performance enhancers and prohibited drugs in sports goes back as far as the year 1889 when Pud Galvin a Pittsburgh’s baseball pitcher used performance enhancer before pitching in a game against Boston. Pud used something called “Elixir of Brown Sequard” containing mostly testosterone drained from the gonads of an animal. The use of performance enhancers may seem natural in terms of gaining an edge in a competition but the attached strings may far outweigh its advantages. Mostly the short-term benefits of gaining advantage are associated with the long-term health risks of the athlete. The attached health vulnerability of the athletes underpins the need of strict regularization code for performance enhancers through robust, precise and accurate analytical techniques. We will discuss and compare various analytical challenges encountered during doping control analysis in this report. Sampling is the first to start with. A good sampling

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