
The Uses Of Art And Architecture In Pompeiian Villas

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Similar to modern society, a home in Pompeii presents your social status. Patricians live in large lavishly decorated homes while plebeians live in small modest homes or in apartment style housing. Nonetheless, any Roman home functions as a “refuge from the commotion of a hectic Roman life” (Zanker 135). Since a home is considered to be a very private place, the differentiation of magnitude, art, and architecture in Pompeiian villas enlightens us on how these artistic elements contribute to an aristocratic rank in society. The various uses of art and architecture can therefore deem what is to be expected in each villa by society and how the villa proves to be the highest societal ranking home within the Pompeiian society. All villas, with their “use of Greek architectural elements” (Ling 46) contribute to the overall elegant architectural themes of the structure. Corinthian columns display a stylistic architectural element that is used to support the weight of the “roof above the peristyle garden” (Ling 48). In extremely luxurious villas, the outdoor space “contained not only one but two peristyle gardens” (Ling 46). This use of architecture would mark the home owner as a high position in society simply based on the cost of creating the peristyle garden. In addition, the peristyle garden conveys the idea that villa owners have assimilated the knowledge to know the importance of classical Greek architecture. Furthermore, the use of incorporating nature within the villa

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