
The Virgin Group : Virgin America Inc.

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The Virgin Group, is a British international corporation conglomerate founded by entrepreneurs Sir Richard Branson and Nik Powell in the 1970. Today, the Virgin Group, operates in 13 regions internationally, in seven industries with a net worth valued at $4.9 billion (Virgin, n.d.). Although, the Virgin Group is made up of several largely diversified companies, for the general purpose of this assessment, we will concentrate on the airline sector of the Virgin Group. Virgin-branded airlines include: Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Galactic, Virgin Australia and Virgin America. In this analysis, we will take an in-depth look at the external, internal and SWOT analysis for Virgin America Airline.
Virgin America Virgin America Inc., is an American …show more content…

Virgin America invests a great deal into its staffing and development as they recognize that they are key in delivering the “Virgin Experience” to all its passengers. Providing world-class training and ongoing training throughout the years by hosting special educational events, even teaching staff sign languages so they are better able to assist disabled passengers. With a distinctive and innovative management style, it serves as one of Virgin’s tangible resources. Virgin’s Hand-off approach to management empowers its employees to take personal ownership in the overall success of Virgin America, promoting organic growth both internally and externally; moreover, is said to be the root cause for its overall success (Grant, 2012).
Physical Resources, Virgin America is one of the youngest fleets within the U.S. airline industry at only 10 years comprising of 63 wide-body planes for its long term operations.
Airlines SWOT Analysis 4
The Virgin Group owns land, property, plants, equipment and cross industry success. Investing in its fleet with Airbus and taking the corporation public grossing millions in revenue. Unlike its counterpart Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America leases versus owning its fleet and land located at its headquarters. Alaska Air Group attained

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