
The Vision Development Plan Provided An Amazing Opportunity

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The Vision Development Plan provided an amazing opportunity for me to enhance my knowledge and understanding of how to truly create a vision of excellence and student success. As educators, we must be readily available to meet the demands of today’s educational system. It is important that we implement a comprehensive approach that includes all stakeholders in an effort to increase student achievement and school success. There is a substantial amount of evidence that demonstrates the benefits that family and community participation have on student achievement as well as catalyzing and sustaining school improvement and building school culture that support all students. It is our responsibility to keep the community members informed and seek their participation. We should show the community that we value their input and service. We should also implement programs that require community involvement. In addition, school leaders need to participate in activities outside of the school that allows school officials and students to establish partnerships with community leaders. School administrators must be committed to keeping the community engaged in the school activities throughout the year. To be clear, school districts cannot establish and maintain successful schools alone. Every school needs assistance from the community in order for its goals and objectives to manifest. School districts are discovering that faith-based and community groups can be valuable allies in supporting

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