
The War Of 1812 By Andrew Jackson

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The War of 1812, perhaps like most wars, may appear to be without merit, ironic and perverse. It began in response to Britain’s policy of impressment, employed to prevent France, its enemy in the Napoleonic Wars, from obtaining supplies from America, and ended with the reallocation of British troops to North America after the defeat of Napoleon. The War contained so much irony to the extent that a truce was declared, but not communicated to the troops in America, before the largest battle of the war took place at New Orleans. A war that curbed American expansion also included a general, Andrew Jackson, who parlayed his fame as a general the War of 1812 to the Presidency and who would become an expansionist President responsible for the …show more content…

Far from the shores of England, and to a large extent independent from the mother country, Canada remained reliant upon Britain, at least for its military expertise. Although Britain was largely preoccupied with the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, its military support of Canada, especially in the later phases of the war, proved to be decisive in the defeat of the Americans. Perhaps this is only appropriate given that Britain’s policy of impressment of American vessels and sailors was a principal cause of the War of 1812(Black, 185). To be fair though, American expansionist sentiment, embodied in the cries of the War Hawks leading up to the War of 1812, and that later manifested itself in the form of Manifest Destiny contained in the Monroe Doctrine, was also a cause of the war. Also contributing to the start of the War was the growing expansionist sentiment in the United States that was based on the idea of American superiority over Canada(185). This sense of superiority was rooted not only in the ideology of the American revolution, that republicanism and democracy were superior to monarchy and despotism, but also in the comparative advantage in population, manpower, financial and industrial strength enjoyed by America (Creighton,108). To the Americans, Upper Canada was an appealing and exceedingly vulnerable province by virtue of its geography, small population and perhaps even more so because of the composition of that population that included many recent

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