2. Project overview
This project aims to address the wastage (defects) through the PDCA cycle by using DMAIC tool. Figure 2.1: PDCA cycle
The project has the following phases:
1) Phase 1- Define: Initially the problem (defects occurring) is clearly and specifically defined. Consists of the project objectives, project team, process and the critical customer requirements
2) Phase 2- Measure: The present condition of the industry and quantifying the defects.
3) Phase 3- Analyze: Find out the root cause of the defects.
4) Phase 4- Improve: Solutions that are directly addressed as per the root cause.
5) Phase 5- Control: Sustain the improvements that are done through continual monitoring.
3. DMAIC – Define
3.1 Problem statement
The waste
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3.5 Process
The process is initially studied and the critical requirements of the customer (VOC) and the Critical to quality (CTQ) areas of the process were identified.
Table 3.1: Process of manufacturing cards in 123 cards intl.
Based on the customer expectation and the processes involved a QFD tools was plotted.
Figure 3.2: Quality function deployment based on customer expectation
From the above QFD the critical to quality area (CTQs) as per customer expectation could be identified.
It was found that Printing and laminating process were the major two critical categories with maximum impact with relevance to the voice of the customer.
4. DMAIC – Measure
Based on the high impact processes, the defects incurred in printing and laminating were studied and measured. The main defects were Tonality issues (color changes), spot formation on cards, blurry print bubbles due to lamination and scratches.
Table 4.1: Defects occurring high impact processes
Defect Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Total Defects Each defect % Cumulative defect % Tonality out of standard 8000 4000 5000 5000 4000 26000 54.96 54.96
Spots 5000 2500 6000 5000 500 19000 40.16 95.12
Blurry print 350 100 100 150 150 850 1.80 96.91
Bubbles 200 100 300 100 200 900 1.90 98.82
Scratches 60 100 100 200 100 560 1.18 100.00
Total defects 47310
These 5 defects were studied and measured analytically for 5 months and the percentage contributed by each
Quality Control or (QC) for short, is a set of strictly enforced procedures that have been designed to ensure that a product meets the qualtiy requirements of a client on a ongoing basis. Therefore, to ensure that you provide your clients with consitentcy as far as qualiity goes, as the potential manufacters about the specifics surrodung the procedures they implement to enure qualitiy
Quality of a product can be mainly assessed from a manufacturer and a customer point of view.
HON was requested to further investigate root cause by conducting a dimensional analysis and tolerance stack of the current test setup parts and drawings and consider a design solution.
Science Technology Company was a leading manufacturer of computer-controlled automated test equipment (ATE) that was used to monitor and manage quality over the life cycle of electronic products. With 31% market share, the company was the dominant firm in the design and manufacture of testers and test software for printed circuit boards. Its second business was its semiconductor test operation, which manufactured complex systems that cost in excess of $1 million and were used to test state-of-the-art very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. Other Products included a system to test electronic products in the field; systems used to test a products mechanical and structural integrity under stress and computer aided
In the define phase proposals are formulated, estimated and tested for feasibility. The results will be presented to the senior management in order to receive a "go" for the project which often is in the form of a contract.
A six-sigma project has been performed on Music Co. as the company was experiencing a high number of tickets relating to its digital release planning system that caused delays in expected release date. The delays affected customer satisfaction because if the music vendor did not release their recording on time, it would lead the customer to opt for a pirated version, which also causes company loss in sales. The company hopes the project team can use DMAIC to analyze and improve their release process in a timely fashion with fewer errors. They also hope to find out what reasons caused the delays and eliminate the root causes. The planning involves various human based processes, so the company wants to achieve as few errors as possible.
The Lean Six Sigma looks for ways on how to eliminate defects. In healthcare, a defect can be the difference between life and death. The Lean Six Sigma is used to improve patient safety by eliminating life-threatening errors. Lean Six Sigma uses a five-step approach to process improvement called the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC). The DMAIC is an approach that is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes (ASQ, n.d.). The first phase, the define phase, is where the leaders would define the problem and begin to understand the needs of the customers. This is an important phase of the Lean Six Sigma because this is where the team would outline of their efforts for themselves and the leaders of the organization (goLEANSIXSIGMA.com,
Growing market for materials- Suppliers in marketplace may impact buyers through lower quality, higher cost, or limited availability of products . Considering that a great segment of people today want to own and use 3D printers, one is likely to profit by selling 3D supplies like new manufacturing techniques equipment, specific software and specific material vendors.
CQC aims to update their standards constantly in order to meet service user’s needs and to promote their satisfaction. Recently CQC states that quality can be maintain through inspection and regulation itself
This is the phase where the requirements are noted, feedback regarding requirements are obtained from users
Some technical requirements mentioned in the survey include font size and color, table of contents, updates, information that is easy to read and understand, and a section with questions and answers. In contrast, the customer requirements include what the QFD process is, and this is often expressed or measured by quality. For the information acquired in this section to be useful there needs to be a way to convince them so they will favor measuring by quantity. Information obtained here can be used as the basis for improving service design and modifying the necessary products (Dror & Sukenik 2011)
External customer requirements may be gathered and transformed into specific, actionable process improvements using quality function deployment, a well- structured product development process which dictates what the market requires into a program to create, manufacture, and deliver it. However, teams should collaborate to arrive at a common understanding of the customer needs and determine the appropriate technical requirement of each stage. As soon as customer expectations are met, customer satisfaction will improve, resulting in a take-back of market share and an increase in revenue.
I am writing in response to Dr. Jean-Paul Baldwin’s request for an important quality analysis of the semiconductor manufacturing process. I analyzed the various parts within the hard-bake process to determine any flaws within it.
Engineering design is a relatively new field of study, which continues to prosper day by day. The variety and volume of research being done in this field explains the importance of this discipline. Design tools, which help in improving design process are a center of attraction for all, design practitioners and industries alike. Numerous tools have been developed over the years, to improve design quality. The DFMEA is one such tool, which aims to improve product quality by identifying possible modes of failure early in the design phase. The American Society for Quality define FMEA as “a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly process, or a product or service”.
When the SPC program is performed the process variation will be reduced, the cost of poor quality will decrease and the product quality will improve. To achieve the objectives above, a set of useful tools called the Magnificent Seven can be used. The Magnificent Seven or the Seven Quality Control (7QC) tools are graphical statistical tools and methods for continuous improvement. A list of the tools is presented here: