
The Western Place By Maxine Hong Kingston

Decent Essays

When Two Different Worlds Collide
Throughout the book, “The Western Place” , by Maxine Hong Kingston, there is a differential gap between the two sisters who come from two different sides of the world. A lot of differences between the two sisters and their personal lifestyles comes from one sister living in America as a Chinese-American and the other sister living in China. In the story Brave Orchid who is the sister that is brave, outspoken, and sometimes cruel sees life as a bundle of opportunities to take with no regret. However, it is different when her sister Moon Orchid comes into town from China because she is the complete opposite. Moon Orchid is rather humble, timid, and quiet while she observes the lifestyle of her sister and nieces and nephews. In the chapter , at “The Western Place” , Brave Orchid sends for her sister Moon Orchid to come to America and to confront her husband who is living another life and is remarried. However, conflict arises as the two sisters have complete opposite thoughts and personalities. Brave Orchids whose name completely describes her - urges her sister to visit her husband. However, while Moon Orchid is completely fine without her husband, she feels pressured by her sister to do what was asked of her. While Brave Orchid is the complete package of what a chinese woman and her traditions would represent while living the American lifestyle- Moon Orchid is rather surprised by the actions of her sister and nieces and nephews. For

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