
The Workplace Initiatives Of Chum Hum Australia Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Chum Hum Australia was built six months ago and 200 new staff has been recruited. To make it a great workplace, Chum Hum has introduced few of the workplace culture initiatives such as organizing free breakfast, lunch, dinner for all the staff, free haircuts and full access to the office gym, swimming pools and nap pods. Even though the workplace initiatives are world class notorious, it has not been receiving a good response in terms of socializing outside the workplace. For instance, when the office staff was asked to utilize Yammer, a corporate social networking app, they did get very few responses in regards to creating a free account with yammer. As there was no such response from the workforce, they started sending out emails advising everyone to create an account and use it to socialize with the employees outside work and the first comment stated that they asking them to do this on weekends is foolish. From the case study it is evident that chum hum is confronting several issues which can be at a disadvantage later in terms of employee retention. The main problem in this case study is the company culture. This essay will present the issues Chum hum Australia is facing. In the next paragraph, alternatives for these problems will be addressed. Alongside their organization culture, the problems will focus on recruiting top engineers and finally on training and development. In addition to this, one or two practical solution or recommendations would be

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