
The World Without People : What Would The World Without People?

Decent Essays

What would the world be like without people? It’s a scary, and complicated question. A world without people would be a completely different place. Air pollution would stop, but what about nuclear reactors? What would happen to endangered and invasive species? What would happen to species that thrived off our existence? How long would our cities stand? We do have places on earth that have been abandoned by people. So, we do have windows to what would happen without us. So, let’s begin. What would cause us to disappear? In reality people are so wide spread and abundant that most likely it would be a global mass extinction event. So, for this paper, to avoid a global mass extinction event, we will say that it was a pandemic that targeted only humans. It’s, a given air pollution would stop but how long would it take for the damage that was done by people to be undone? It could take between 5 – 16 years for carbon dioxide’s residence time to pass, but for the most part the air pollution that we have today would remain for thousands of years. (Danouma, 2013, December 30) Now, on to nuclear reactors, these are different from air pollution because nuclear half-lives are sometimes thousands or even billions of years, Uranium 238 has a half-life of 4.46 billion years, (Institute of Energy and Environmental Research, December 2011) but most nuclear reactors are buried and entombed in concrete and steel. So, they would mostly affect plants because of their roots. What happens to

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