
The holy Spirit Essay

Decent Essays

The Holy Spirit….. So how do we explain the Holy Spirit? As cadets we have been sitting in class learning about what the Holy Spirit is and during this I discovered that I am very very lucky.
Let me explain….Being a ‘grown up’ I can look back on things and see what was happening to me way back when……Now at school I was ok at maths, UNTIL we got to algebra! I just could not get it. It wasn’t clear; I couldn’t picture any reason around it or any purpose for it. So after a while I stopped doing maths and took another topic. That’s a bit of a shame in hindsight, because now I find myself with a 17 year old doing year 11 maths!
So given that I couldn’t get algebra I consider myself extremely blessed to have accepted – almost without thought – …show more content…

Things are not as they were a few years ago in the way we can change our appearance.
But it’s not just appearance that we are trying to change. Today’s world allows us to improve our brain. We go to school, to seminars, we see counsellors and psychologists. We are looking to change for the better.
We all just spent silent time with God – asking God - what was one thing He wanted us to change about ourselves. Maybe it’s the way we speak, our health, our knowledge, our treatment of others or it maybe it’s to change the way you spend time with God.
God is interested in change and God is interested in changing all of us.

On the first Pentecost after Christ was crucified some major changes happened. One of those was with the disciples. There was confusion, they still did not fully understand Jesus’ mission on Earth. They were still wondering if Jesus would be an earthly King. As a result they were timid. Not confident sharing the gospel with others. Then came Pentecost.
They were all together….the sound of a blowing wind came down from Heaven, tongues of fire settled on their heads. They were filled with the Holy Spirit; they spoke in languages they had never heard. A crowd gathered, peoples from all over, the crowd listened as they preached. Peter stood and addressed the crowd, he spoke a beautiful sermon that God – the Holy Spirit inspired him to preach. He converted 3000 people in one day.
No longer were the disciples confused, no

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