
Theme Of Death In Hamlet

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In Hamlet, playwright William Shakespeare intertwines the primary motifs of death, disease, and decay into each scene of the play to create a distinct depiction of the corrupt state of Denmark and Hamlet's all-consuming pessimism by using the literary device of imagery. The word image englobes any kind of simile; by using it, a poet or prose writer illustrates, illuminates and embellishes his thought. Shakespeare is able to utilise this technique through various descriptions or ideas which arouse emotions and associations in the mind of the reader. The images he uses are incredibly rich and vivid that in they have the ability to form a different world for the audience. Shakespeare’s choice of metaphors and similes at any given moment in the play is determined by the dramatic issues arising out of that moment. In the play, Shakespeare is able to accurately illustrate the corrupt state of Denmark, as well as Hamlet’s profound pessimism which corrupts his mind and soul. This is accomplished through the technique of imagery, particularly pertaining to the motifs of death, disease and decay.
In this play, the image of death is introduced from the very beginning, in Act I, once the Ghost of the old king Hamlet appears. In the plot, once the ghost is introduced, its role is to inform Hamlet about a secret murder. As Hamlet did not witness the murder, there was no need to feign madness. Shakespeare’s use of images related to both ghosts and madness intensify the central motif of

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