
Themes In Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars

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In Frank Beddor’s The Looking Glass Wars, the story of Alice in Wonderland is completely transformed. Instead of being a curious girl in London, Alyss is the princess of her family’s queendom in Wonderland. She has been unexpectedly alone for a long time ever since her parents died in a vicious battle with her Aunt Redd and her army. She must now avenge her family by trying to reclaim her throne that Redd took away from her. By Beddor changing the story, it provides a clearer significance and importance for the themes that he brings up at certain parts of the story. For example, tragedy forcing characters to grow up early is evident in Alyss, Dodge, and Molly. One person who is forced to grow up early in their life is Alyss. At the beginning of the story, the army of …show more content…

Hatter is the only one that people can look to for information about Molly. She is forced to grow up fast because of Redd’s evil taking over. She had to work at a bar at thirteen years old! She seems to immediately fall unto the works of Hatter Madigan when she “flicked her own hat flat and used it as both a shield and an offensive weapon.” She seems a little anxious (just like Hatter) when she says “‘Well? Come on if you’re coming”’ (293). As Molly’s past is a mystery, there are still little hints of her being in the same family as, none other than, Hatter Madigan. Many characters show signs of having to grow up too early throughout the text, like Alyss, Dodge, and Molly. Alyss grows up because of her parents dying and she is seeking to avenge them and defeat Redd. Dodge grows up also because his dad died and he is seeking to avenge him. Molly grows up because she is just a child when Redd was ruling over Wonderland, forcing her to take on a job that an adult would do. The theme of being forced to grow up early shows the reader what tragedy does to people-- it can also change their

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