
Theodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Party

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In 1912, the Progressive Party formed to support Theodore Roosevelt in his attempt to be elected for a third presidential term (O 'Toole par. 7, 11). The party was formed after the Republican National Convention repudiated the nomination of Roosevelt (Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt 251). Furthermore, this resulted in Roosevelt splitting the Republican vote between him and William Howard Taft and gave Democrat Woodrow Wilson an advantage (Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt). The Progressive Party took a platform that was new and innovative for the time period in which it began. To understand the the start of the Progressive Party one must acknowledge its political platform, the outcome of the presidential election between Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, and the outcome and end of the Progressive Party. After failing to receive the nomination, those who supported Roosevelt had to develop another strategy for his campaign. To run as a third party member, Roosevelt would continue to require financial support. James Chance, professor of government and public law at Bard College, claims that, "Roosevelt was assured that he would have the financial backing he would need . . . when his financial supporters, George Perkins and millionaire publisher Frank Munsey, met with him . . . At that moment the Progressive Party was born" (120-121). Following this meeting, all that was left before the Progressive Party would have a nominee was for Roosevelt to accept. He responded saying, "I shall accept

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