
Theodore Roosevelt: The Most Important Single Ingredient In The Formula Of Success

Decent Essays

Robin Sharma
“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” Theodore Roosevelt
“You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself” Harry Firestone.
One of my personal commitments is to be surrounded with only good, passionate, and positive people who make me feel happy. The main business of business is to connect with – and add value to – people. That’s such an extremely important point to remember as you build out your career – and craft a richly rewarding life. It is important to lead a happy and meaningful life. Business really is all about people. An enterprise is nothing more than a human venture that brings people together around some marvelous dream that inspires them to express the fullest of their talents and contribute rich value to those they serve. With all the technology, disruption, competition, and transition in the business world today, a lot of us have forgotten that the whole game is about relationships – and human connections. With the pace people work at, it’s easy to sacrifice relationships in pursuit of results. But the irony is that the stronger the bonds between you and your teammates – as well as with the …show more content…

It is quite common that a man will choose a woman he wants to spend the rest of life with. If the marriage is good, all other relationships must evolve from it. It is important financially, physically, mentally and spiritually, for it is a relationship bound together by all of these. The home is the place where most the closeness of all relationships should begin, and the man chosen his mate wisely will, if he is wise in an economic sense, make his wife the first member of his life partnerships. The home relationships should include not only man and wife, but it should include other members of the family, if they live in the same household, particularly

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