
Theories Of Group Dynamics : Cog 's Ladder And Tuckman 's Stages

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Stages of a team provides a better understanding of a groups underlying forces; which allows organizations to enhance efficiency and achieve on-going success. Research suggests two main concepts of group dynamics: “Cog’s Ladder” and “Tuckman’s Stages”. George Charrier wrote an article presenting a model for group development called, Cog’s ladder in the 1970’s while working for the company Procter and Gamble. This model suggests that groups proceed through five group growth stages: polite stage, why are we here stage, power stage, cooperation stage, and esprit stage. Bruce Wayne Tuckman presented five stages of team dynamics: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon the experience …show more content…

Tuckman’s Stages Tuckman’s stages of team development provide managers with an increased understanding of key aspects and skills necessary for group progression and elevated performance. According to Betts, & Healy (2015), frequently individuals are instructed to work in teams, yet are hardly ever educated and trained to work collectively and produce results as required. The nursing informatics group is an example of well-organized and successful teamwork that progressed through the stages effortlessly.
Stage 1: During this stage, the team meets and gets more acquainted with each other. The team members were very familiar with each other through well-established professional relationships and interactions throughout the two-year Master’s in Nursing Informatics program. The group quickly established who was the team leader, objectives, goals, responsibilities, and individual roles.
Stage 2: During this stage, the team competes for status and approval of their individual ideas. Again, due to the familiarity of each other, the team members did not have incidents of competition or need to project personal prestige. They were well-aware of the individuals who felt the need to be in control and be the leader of the group. The group personalities were well-balanced and efficient; allowing for a give and take relationship.
Stage 3: The team begins to perform efficiently as a group;

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