
Therapeutic Hypothermia Benefits

Decent Essays

The evidence surrounding the topic of therapeutic hypothermia post cardiac arrest is one lathered in potentially advantageous benefits, as well as harmful side effects. Although this procedure has potentially lifesaving and neurologically preserving implications, it does come with various side effects which can be dangerous in general or if left untreated. This paper will first address the many benefits, some of which include prolongation of life, retention of neurological function. It will then shed light upon some of the subsequent risks and harmful effects that are associated with therapeutic hypothermia. Lastly the paper will discuss why or why not the overall benefits outweigh the aggravating factors. Thus, being a topic of much controversy …show more content…

Such dangers include electrolyte disorders, polyuria, and most common is a high risk of cardiac arrhythmias. If precautions are not taken as the treatment is taking place then these dangers become very immediate and possible threats to the health of the patient. There is also the more obvious possibility of tissue and cell damage due to prolonged exposure to a chilling temperature. Cardiac arrhythmias being the most common problem pose a serious threat to the health of the patient. A cardiac arrhythmia is when the heart begins to beat in an abnormal way, whether it is too fast, slow, or just in an inconsistent pattern. This can cause problems with the circulatory system as blood is unevenly or irregularly distributed to the body, potentially depriving it of oxygen. Although these effects can be avoided through caution and acknowledgment of these risks, if the proper steps are not taken to treat them, the problems mentioned above can become …show more content…

Therapeutic hypothermia can save lives, as well as maintain neurological proficiency. The risks however are ever-present. The possibility of developing a cardiac arrhythmia is very possible. The fact is however that the majority of cardiac arrhythmias do not present immediate or life threatening dangers. It is possible, yet uncommon, for the arrhythmia to pose serious effects on the circulatory system, and therefore seeing as this is the most common problem that s caused by the use of therapeutic hypothermia, when weighed against the possibility of preserving neurological function and or saving a life, the benefits can potentially often outweigh the risks. Though there are other, more serious problems that can arise due to the use of this treatment, they are far less common, and or

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