
Therapist : Hello, J.d.

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Therapist: Hello, J.D., I’m glad you could make it in today. I know that you were having some problems with your car last week and didn’t know if you could make it in.

J.D.: Yeah, luckily it was just something small and didn’t take that much money to fix.

Therapist: I’m glad to hear that. Now this week’s session is going to follow the same format we used in previous weeks, a quick check in before deciding what we want to talk about, and going over the homework that we decided on last session. Does that sound like a plan?

J.D.: Yeah, that sounds fine.

Therapist: Great. So, how has the past week been for you?

J.D.: A little worse, actually. This stuff with the car got me really stressed out and that lead me to feeling more anxious and depressed.

Therapist: [looking at the BDI and STAI filled out before session] Yes, I can see from the scales you filled out before session this week that this week has been difficult for you. Your anxiety seems to be higher than the past couple weeks and your depression has also gotten a bit worse. Is the anxiety something you wanted to talk about today since you have the car fixed now? Or has that been resolved now that the car is up and running?

J.D.: I would like to talk about it a bit. I did what we talked about, the relaxation techniques and everything, but I still had racing thoughts. I didn’t have an anxiety attack though, but my sleep has been awful this past week. It might be because of the anxiety or depression, I can’t tell.

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