
There Should Be Stronger Laws And Consequences For People

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There should be stronger laws and consequences for people who execute acts of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a devastating problem, which occurs in various cities, countries, towns, homes and communities. Domestic violence or as some refer to as “family violence” has recently been recognized as a catastrophic rising crisis all across the world and one which has many damaging and harmful effects on family members “more extensively women and children”, ones’ community and our nation. The only real recurrent denominator of domestic violence; due to a broad range of research is that the vast majority of its victims seem to be mostly women. Many believe that the increase in domestic violence could be because the collapse in the …show more content…

( Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually. (
Domestic violence is a silent epidemic that is rapidly climbing every day. Are our laws adequately structured to prevent the numbers of domestic violent complaints or cases from increasing at its rapid rate? After reading an article in the Huffington Post ( abuse_us_5760536ae4b0e4fe5143f349?utm_hp_ref=domestic-violence Lydia O’Connor, Huffington Post; Melissa Jeltsen, Senior Reporter, Huffington Post) about a woman who was married to Omar Mateen, the shooter of the “Pulse” killings in Florida. According to Mateen’s ex-wife, Mateen had a history of violent behavior and that she would often feel isolated from family and friends. She went on to describe how Mateen was an overprotective man and would often abuse her, keep her paychecks and not let her even leave her home. No action was ever taken or done about the domestic violence because Mateen’s ex-wife never spoke up to authorities when the offenses were taking place. Her fear was just too much to overcome for her to actually speak up about the violence happening in her home.
This should not have happened! We should have formidable enforced laws and

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