
Thin Analysis

Good Essays

Film discussion: Thin

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that occurs when an individual is unrealistically concerned about being overweight or feels an overwhelming need to be so thin that in either case an individual eats so little that they become malnourished. While Bulimia is where an individual binges and purges. They may eat a lot of food at once and then try to get rid of the food by vomiting, using laxatives or sometimes over-exercising. Both of which are diseases linked to physical and psychological disorders.
The HBO documentary, “Thin,” takes place at a Renfrew Treatment Center and goes into the lives of four women with eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Through the challenges of weigh-ins, …show more content…

She seemed to be making progress with her anorexia, but had trouble with some of the rules toward the end. Throughout the film, the patients would support another by encouraging each other to finish their food, such as a Polly’s struggle to eat her birthday cupcake. The other patients would also motivate each other and give one another insight on current dilemmas during group sessions which would help the recovery process. Although Polly encouraged the group to do better, she also hindered recovery for other women by lying to staff members, sneaking off, when given a day pass, smoked in bathrooms and gave potential, dangerous medications to other patients. It was determined by the staff, to expel Polly because of the bad behavior would jeopardize the other women’s progress. Soon after Polly was expelled, she was still having trouble with purging and weight loss after being discharged from Renfrew. In sub text, Polly moved back home, went back to school to study photography and was managing a studio. She soon died after at her residence in 2008 which was believed to be a suicide attempt. Furthermore, it was thought that Polly was verge to recovery, but when her stay at the Renfrew was cut short, the audience had little hope for her and she purged at the end of the film and left a sense of sadness for the future. Although her actions were not

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