
Thin Layer Chromatography Lab Report

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The objective of experiment 6 was to learn how to separate an unknown mixture by gas chromatography in order to analyze the data about the unknown compounds in the mixture.

The objective of experiment 7 was to utilize a thin-layer chromatography to test the purity and contents of each vial from the previous experiment.

Introduction The process of separating unknown mixtures with similar polarity to its counterparts pose a problem for most. One method to separate a mixture based on interactions, in the gaseous phase, is through a process known as gas chromatography. Gas chromatography consists of a mixture going through a mobile phase, being immersed in a gas, and a stationary phase, being physically separated through a non-volatile liquid. A gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector consists of several components. The components of a gas chromatograph are a heated injection port (to inject an …show more content…

Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) consists of a TLC plate (stationary phase) that is partially immersed in a solution (mobile phase) to separate compounds on it, based on polarity. When an unknown compound, with distinct polar components, is placed on the TLC plate, the components with low polarity will have traveled the farthest from the start line it was set on. A compound with low polarity also has a large Rf value () on a TLC plate. The Rf value is a ratio that depicts how much a compound interacted with the TLC plate. However, the compounds from experiment 5 were separated with an adsorption chromatography column. These compounds will only have one band on the TLC plate, since they should be pure compounds. The comprehension of TLC chromatography and how to properly separate compounds with an adsorption chromatograph with an adsorption chromatograph column were essential to produce quantitative data in experiment

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