
Things Fall Apart Conflict Essay

Decent Essays

Everybody will face conflict at some point in their life and most people face it daily. Conflict can make you stronger if you continue pushing forward through it. Most successful people have used their conflict to their benefit. There is also an obvious downside to conflict. If you don’t know how to handle conflict it could push you past your breaking point or cause you to quit on something. This isn’t how you should use conflict. Conflict is what you make it, so make it beneficial.

First let’s look at how conflict can be negative. People reacting in the wrong way can easily make conflict be negative. In the book “Things Fall Apart” Okonkwo negatively reacts to conflict. He is told he has to kill Ikemefuna and he then has a persona conflict. He doesn’t know if he should kill Ikemefuna to seem strong or save his life so he can keep, what he views as, a son. He eventually makes, in my opinion, the wrong decision. He kills Ikemefuna. Instead of standing up during conflict, Okonkwo gave in and did …show more content…

When Okonkwo was a boy his father was not a good one. He didn’t help his family in many ways at all and definitely didn’t contribute to the clan. Because of this Okonkwo had nothing to start with when he became a man. He was eventually able to get out of the conflict by working hard. He never gave up and didn’t want to be like his father. When he first started growing yams he had to borrow seeds from another man. This shows he started with nothing to his name. He then planted his fields and started his work. Although it was an awful planting season and nobody was able to grow crops including Okonkwo he persevered. The next year was a better year and he was able to start his life. After years of planting he eventually made a life for himself. He eventually became very successful and has 3 wives and a barnful of yams. He is one of the most successful men in his clan and contributes to the

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