Excogitating upon the day my Mom gifted me the utmost influential book of my life, I realize that my venture in the turbulent journey of business had begun. Praising every facet of the book from the cover page to the last word, a salient aura projected from the very solidity of this text; one of immense power and responsibility, notably a life-changing one. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill undoubtedly revolutionized my life, the way I think, and every aspect of my dreams. My inspiration to indulge in this particular book was prompted by my current business mentor, who is a year older than me and an aspiring businessman just like myself. "Think and Grow Rich" taught me the fundamental but intangible basics to business; that a burning desire …show more content…
Omitting the books assigned in school, voluntarily sitting down and investing my time into reading was a figment of the all powerful procrastination phrase, "I'll do it next week". When I did willingly read, it was primarily for the purpose of gaining something . Non-fiction always struck me as the superior genre of books, because every piece of information was applicable and could be added to the grand knowledge pool. Identifying as a self-help book, "Think and Grow Rich" accomplished just that. I commenced my journey by writing down my exact goals, what I planned on achieving, when I planned on achieving them, what I planned to sacrifice for my goals, and wrote a motivational paragraph portraying wealth as already being in my possession. My first explicitly defined goal was to attain 5,000$ by my 18th birthday. I recited this little passage in my phone's notes almost every night for around 2 months. I noticed everything changing at this point; I was riding a wave of positivity that came with a completely new persona. I was thankful for absolutely everything, just the miracle of being alive and healthy was enough to make me thank
Born and raised in a middle class family with my parents both working in the finance Industry, I was cultivated to understand the significance of a good business sense in mind. When I was in elementary school, my mom would sit aside
“As I see it today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive,” wrote Malcolm X. As I grew up I really wasn’t a reader. Slowly as I continue to read I started to enjoy it .Today I love to sit and read a good book every now and then. Maybe someday I will write my own book.
This relates to different matters. First of all, the kids of wealthy parents, should not depend on their parent’s money, and they should learn how to become independent on their own. This applies to common people like me as well, in that we should not rely on someone to bail us out, like our parents, and that way we can control where our money comes and goes. Being rich is one thing, staying rich is a totally different category from what I learned in this book. Knowing what is more important to you is also part being disciplined, because that way you will not spend money on worthless items like so many people with high incomes do, and they end up not accumulating
Becoming wealthy swiftly might be working wonders for some Americans, but for the rest of them, the broadening gap between the rich and the poor is making them lose faith in the “American Dream”; moreover, this gap forces the middle-class Americans to focus only on their careers which allow family values to lose its importance.
I really enjoyed the “Think and Grow Rich-A Black Choice” video. The speaker Dennis Gimbro was very engaging, and interesting. The essential message I acquired from the video was “Failure is not failure until you accept it as such.” What I take from this is, just because someone has “failed” at a single thing, does not mean they have failed overall, in fact, it does not even have to mean they have failed. The “failure” can be a lesson; it is common to hear the phrase “people learn from their mistakes,” and this is kind of what I relate to this, people learn from their failures. If ones makes it so, it possible to take a mistake, or a failure, and to analyze what went wrong, how the situation can be improved, and how one can better themselves. That is what I think Gimbro is saying; if you fail, do not give up, keep trying and pushing as hard as you can, and turn that failure into a success. However, you accept that you have failed, and give up, quit trying,
Throughout the history of the earth, mankind has always had the same lust for the pursuit of wealth and power. Many have achieved this success longed for by man, and many have crumbled and fallen short of their goals. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich set out to capture the mindsets of all those who have achieved success and explore what these successful people have in common. Napoleon delivers us his results by speaking directly to the reader with step by step instructions of how to grow rich and think like those whose have already achieved riches. Napoleon spent 25 years researching successful people and came up with 13 principles that if followed will help you think and believe in yourself like the accomplished do.
At a low point in her life, with her father recently passed away and her business came close to collapse, Rhonda’s daughter had given her a copy of The Science of Getting Rich, a book written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. When reading this book Rhonda stated that: “Something inside of me had me turn the pages one by one, and I can still remember my tears hitting the pages as I was reading it...” This book changed her life, and it was based on the practice of positive thinking.
It's one thing to become the president of a company and another thing to develop a successful company. On numerous occasions, people hear stories about how investing companies lure other people into purchasing their goods and services. Moreover, these companies use false advertising often to exploit their customers. Most of the time, these companies state how they will spruce up a customer's investment repertoire and how it will make them rich. However, the results remain the contrary. To expound further, these companies have taken away too much money from their clients in order to produce a profit. However, business professionals such as James Dondero have used their expertise to reverse this trend.
The chapter is 12 and the verses are 13 through 21. The parable is the one of The Rich Fool and his greed. The story is told by Jesus while he is in a gathering of thousands of people and a statement arises that allows him to preach on objects with only earthly value, as well as the greed of people towards those objects, and what we should do to fight that greed and please God (Hendrix, The Parables of Jesus, p. 96 ). Jesus tells us this parable in the form of the indirect question. This means that the question does not come from Jesus or one of the members of the crowd, but instead it is integrated into the character of the parable( Lecture notes, The Parables of Luke, April 12, 2016). So in the case of Luke 12: 13-21, the question is
When it came down to choosing a book from the choices provided, I just had to select Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This is a great book to read if you are having financial trouble in your life or if you are just need some motivation to get you going in the right path. Napoleon Hill is a acclaimed author who teaches you in this book the 13 success principles used by the great success stories of the early 20th-century. Napoleon Hill interviewed with William Wrigley, Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie and 500 others. He gives you the secrets that helped these great leaders rise to the top in their respected industries. Many of today's top achievers credit Napoleon Hill's work as being the blueprint to their success. Access the
The most difficult aspect with this paper is determining who I want to be when I grow older, for the sake of this paper I will provide a poem and go in-depth on the relevance and importance to becoming who I want to become through this poem and Napoléon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. The following paragraph will provide insight on who I want to become as well as create a pathway for living through both my words and Napoleon Hills words.
Because I was really not interested in finding a good job, especially when I was 9 or 10 years old. But once I was watching on of the intelectuals on tv, he was talking about how can we achieve whatever we want in life no matter how old we are, it was pretty interesting to me because it was quite relevant to what I want to achieve at that point of my life and at the end of his talk he advised to read this book, the 7 habits for Stephen covey and after reading that book, books became pretty interesting to me to an extend that I started reading around 6, 7 books a
It is a harsh reality that in today’s business world there are a lot of dumb, foolish idiots that are extremely successful. Why should someone so unintelligent and perhaps less passionate and dedicated be so monetarily successful in the business world? According to the researcher Laurie Varga, people are more inclined towards success due to the personality traits that are found more frequently in foolish people than in sharp and intelligent people (Varga). Also, there are quite a few factors that lead to success that have nothing to do with intelligence or lack thereof. Mainstream media and school systems teach people that the way to success is thru intelligence. However, people who are not intelligent have constantly been found to be successful time and time again. Bob Hoffman, who created one of the world’s most influential marketing and advertising blogs states that out of all the people he met in business, the majority were “astonishingly stupid” (Hoffman)
In this day and age, who wouldn’t want to have a comfortable life and become financially independent? Probably most of the people would rather just be sipping coffee while reading a newspaper and just wait for their bank accounts to fill up each day or week. But how can that possibly happen?
Throughout my life, people always told me that if I got an adequate education and an even more desirable job I would find myself later in life doing big things for society's future. When I was younger there was never a point in my life where I would voluntarily pick up a book and decide to read. So, my mom, older brother, and the teachers always had to force me to read. As I started getting older they pushed me to read more, but it never ended up happening.