
Thinking Outside The Box Analysis

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In the last 20 years technology took an important role in our lives and more in the lives of our kids, even in on grownups. Video are an important tool in our lives that if we use it in a right way could help us to improve our intelligence. Base on the articles of “Watching TV Makes You Smarter” by Steven Johnson and “Thinking Outside the Box” by Dana Stevens. I will present my point of view. In the article by Johnson “Watching TV Makes You Smarter”, he describes how much tv improved from the ‘70s. In today’s tv we need to be able to pay attention to multiple details on the show, since the narrative is more complicated and realistic to our everyday life. Johnson writes “They have gained in realism. The real world doesn’t come in nicely packaged...and we are better off with entertainment like the Sopranos that reflects our fallen state with all its ethical ambiguity”. Life is complicated and ambiguous and from that point of view we can get smarter or learn that there is a different behavior in our world. For example, we can see human being are not only sweet and loving, they are ambitious selfish, manipulated creatures and seeing this side, we can …show more content…

My middle son is autistic and in his early years I wasn’t with the idea of video games, but later on when he was older I saw how he cope with them and how he grew. One of the games he likes to play is Civilization, this games teach him how civilizations evolved, history, science, wars, allies and building societies . Video games not only teach him knowledge even help him with socialization, since autistic kids are no good with it. There are some games that you can play with other people on the other side making easier to interact. There are all kinds of games that you can learn or help you to cope with your life. Video games are another way to grow or educate, but of course, like everything we should use it to

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