
This Case Is About Health Care Involved In A Massive Change

Decent Essays

This case is about health care involved in a massive change with employees suffering from on the job stress and management changes. Parkway Nursing Care is an organization that was founded in 1972 with only two nursing homes both locations in Phoenix, Arizona. The nursing facility is going through substantial changes at this time. This company has been well-known for its patient care in the 1980 for its excellent care of services. This company also provides skilled in-home nursing care, and is in the process of building more units to handle existing patients which will increase the need for more workers. Because this facility and the nursing home industry are growing rapidly and the care for senior citizens has increased, the government …show more content…

This data report has shown many red signs of which way will the organization head. As the company continue to expand it may lack quality of services, performances and will affect the organization as a whole, which will force changes. When companies are going through a massive change as Parkway Nursing Care it will force resistance from staff members. The resistance of change can manifest into complaints, lack of performance on the job (reduce of work/speed), stress, increasing errors in patients vital signs, medication, absenteeism and documenting charts. The company significant of changes comes from appreciative inquiry (AI)”An approach that seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization, which can then be built on to improve performance (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Resistance doesn’t necessary come in a consistent way the most common forms of resistance can be overt, implicit, immediate, or deferred. Managers have no problem dealing with overt and immediate resistance, such as complaints, work speed, or protestors (strikes) this is one of the easier things for them to handle. The major challenge for managing resistance is implicit or deferred because they are more subtle and recognized such as; loss of loyalty, motivation, errors increase and absent of work. Deferred actions can be a combination of change and the reaction to it which can extend for weeks, months or years. A

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