The people who succeed are those who set realistic and specific goals. If I set my mind to something that I want to accomplish. I will get it done. Three goals that I want to achieve are get good grades on finals, become an engineer, and work for a good company.
I want to end the semester and the school year with good grades on finals. I going to complete this goal, by taking good notes in class, paying attention and asking good questions if I am stuck. This goal will help me in life because it will help me in the future and it is a good to have good grades. So, I can get into the college I want to go to. If I take good notes I can good things to look off of. Lastly, this goal will help throughout my career. In addition to ending each semester with good grades on finals, I
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I want to become an engineer because they get payed good money and I am have wanted to become an engineer for a while. To become an engineer, I have to go to college for four years and get my bachelor's. Also, I will take the right classes help me better prepare for it. In high school I want to take harder classes so I can be prepared for the college classes. I also want to take some AP classes so I can get college credit. Finally, I just want to take hard classes and do good in them so I can get into the college I want to go to. After finishing college, I want to work for a good company.
When I am done going to college, I want to work for a good company. I would like to work for a good company because they would pay well. Also, they would probably give good benefits. Another reason I would work for a good company, is that they would treat their employees good. If I work really hard for the company I would most likely get a couple raises. I would have to do my research and reviews they get on their jobs that they do to see if they are a good company or a bad one. Working for a good company will take research and hard work to find the right
Many people try and many people have failed. Everyone hopes to succeed in something, whether it be anything from sports to seminary, school, or just life. Every day there are people who invent things, they try over and over again until it works out. There are many successful people in this world and they didn’t get there easily. Success is something earned not given, and comes with trial and error.
How do people succeed? Since there is no yellow brick road to success, we need to learn how to get there. How we get there can depend on the person. Someone may work hard, skirmish, and come out in the end stronger than ever. Other times people can have a clear path and have achievement in the end. I personally believe that obstacles are the way to success, and the only way we can grow is to struggle along the way.
I will achieve my first goal, passing the class with a 90 or above, by reading the class book and studying. This will take hard work, patience, and dedication. I will also reach this goal by paying attention in class, staying off my phone, and cramming before every quiz and test. I will need a good amount of sleep and coffee to assure that I pay all of my attention to what is happening in class.
The word succeed sounds good, but not it's super easy to reach it. Even the most famous persons fail until they can succeed and be where they at now.
But just because you work hard, doesn't mean you will be successful. Everyone in the world can’t be successful. Unfortunately, some people go their whole lives trying to make it and accomplish their goals, but ever succeed before their time is up. so, we must be good job as work hard and have smart ideas to success. If you wasn’t believed it, try to do
There may be a variety of theories by different inspiration speakers and mentors on what one needs to do to become successful. While most of what they recommend may be appropriate for different situations, I believe that the beginning of any success is built on a strong desire to excel that leads a person to invest time and resources in a career (Hill, 2001). When the strong desire for success develops to passion, it makes you seek the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue particular goals. The desire to excel in academic work is reflected in consistently improving grades and
When I am older, just like most people, I want to have a great job. Getting a good job is a hard thing to get nowadays. You always have to be on your toes, studying and thinking about your future. I want to be a Marine Biologist when I am older which mean I have to get into a good school and take a lot of good classes.
I want to be an engineer and i really like science and im good at it so it would be a good field for me. Engineering science is the study of engineering and science and learning how the two interact. Engineering is using math and science to improve modern machines, technology, and structures and to invent, design, and build new things. Engineering has a very wide range of very specific fields. You could work as an aerospace engineer which is when you design and work on airplanes, a hardware engineer who design and test various computer equipment, or even a paper engineer who design and test an array of paper products. Other engineering fields include plastic engineering, river engineering, automotive engineering, and combat engineering ; just to name a couple of them. When it comes time when you pick what field you want to be in, the possibilities are almost endless because there are so many specific fields and careers. The ones that interest me most are ocean engineering which is the design of structures in the ocean, automotive engineering which is the design and testing of road vehicles, and metallurgical engineering which is the study of metals and putting them to use. Also, engineering is a very important thing in society because they solve all of societies problems that we encounter. For example, if we didnt have medical engineers, there would be no machines in hospitals to keep us alive and no cures
Reading through numerous success quotes reveals a predominant theme. No one achieves success instantaneously. Success arrives through the process of failing over and over, getting back up each time and persisting. The magic secret of all successful people is continuing to strive until the goal is achieved. Time after time we meet obstacles. Those obstacles are only insurmountable if you perceive them as such. Persistent and consistent action on a well designed course of action results in success.
My second semester goals are important to me just like other students goals are important to them. The goals that you accomplish can raise your grades and by setting goals you can also learn how to set more goals. Here is one of my most important goal i want to accomplish before i finish 8th grade and to move on the 8th grade i first have to finish 7th grade with Satisfying grades
i would like to work at being a electronics engineering technicians because i will be working with technology and they are the ones who fix tvs computers and consoles that people use or lay on and they help keep they online games severs up and running so that people who game online can continue to play games with friends.also this job really interesting and their was 139,000 jobs in 2014.
To start off, in this last quarter of the school year, I want to accomplish the three goals I want to accomplish for the final quarter. My first goal I want to accomplish is getting A’s and A+’s in Math, Science, and Commarts class. Also I want to accomplish this goal because I struggle when it comes to handing it homework to get the grades I am hoping for the final quarter. Although when it is time for her too put my grades in the grade book it is a C, D, of F. I will have to accomplish doing my homework with my mom and in team study with Mr.Morgan so I get A’s and A+'s for my grades. To add on, my second goal I want to accomplish is turning in my homework right away not at the last minute. I want to accomplish this goal because, I struggle
One way someone can make a success is to have perseverance. Perseverance is like determination or not giving up no matter how difficult. The more Someone practice the more they learn or as some people say ¨practice makes perfect¨. When I mess up breakfast for the next 3 breakfasts I made french toast to practice they got better and better until I made one that was very good. This is a reason for someone to practice whenever it is.
What does it mean to succeed? To succeed it means to achieve any desired goals. However, many people are afraid to succeed such as me. I am afraid to succeed because I fear what I possibility can become. Coming out of my confront zone is what is holding me back from doing well.
It takes thousands of years and tremendous amounts of pressure to turn coal into diamonds. People who stay committed to their goals will always achieve what they are going for. Successful people do whatever it takes to achieve their life goals. For them to do this, they must have tenacity and commitment. They will work toward their goals even if they tired. They do what has to be done, not what they feel like doing at the time. Being successful is a journey not a destination. Successful people see themselves as works in progress. They are never finished becoming what they strive to be. Setting long term goals will help with future goals. The old successes can be used as a springboard to bigger successes.