
Three Main Beliefs

Decent Essays

I have only had one experience in life that made be question the meaning of life. When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease I was handed a list of things that I would never be allowed to do again. This experience precipitated a great amount of doubt about the meaning of my life. I was very upset and became depressed every time I would think about the activities that I was not allowed to participate in. I decided I should have a meeting with my pastor to discuss my circumstances. He truly helped me to look at my illness with a new perspective. He explained to me how God had a purpose for my pain and He would use it for his glory. I became very determined to not let my illness stop me from fulfilling my dreams. Today, I can see how God …show more content…

The first one is my belief in Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I try to live a life that would be pleasing to God. Also, I try to treat people in a way that shows them the love of God. The second belief is that God will give me the strength that I need to fulfill the tasks that He has for me to do in my life. I belief that if I am meant to do something God will provide the strength for me to be able to do it. If not, I believe that I am not meant to do the particular task and look for something that I might be better suited to do. The third belief is it is in your worst moments when you find out who truly is your friend. I belief that a true friend will be there for you in your most difficult moments in life to help you get through. Also, I believe that many friends like to celebrate with you when you are on a mountain, but will not have your back when difficult circumstances arise. These are not true friends. These three important beliefs help me to focus on what I value most in life, love. I value love the most because even when material items or success fade away true love will always remain. When someone truly loves you, they will motivate you to be the best version of yourself and achieve your goals and dreams. The beliefs and values that are most significant have shaped me into the person I

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