
Thrice Running Away Analysis

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Chapter Four Analysis of Runaway in the Perspective of Deleuze’s Post-structuralism
4.1 Analysis of Thrice Running Away & Some Other Elements in Runaway from the Perspective of Rhizome
Alice Munro is claimed to be the best fiction writer now working in North America and her Runaway is regarded as a marvel. She is a master in the field of short novel writing. However, her short stories, usually within forty or fifty pages, can cover a content of that of long novels. They are condensed long novels. In her novels, there are human mysteries, suspense, “thrilling unexpectedness of real life” and all these elements keep her readers glued in her hands. (Munro, 2004: 3) The author believe the complexity and uncertainty are the charms that made Munro’s stories fascinating. And that the absolutely black-and-white mode or tree-like mode of theories would find it difficult to deal with Munro’s stories. On the contrary, Deleuze’s concept of rhizome would probably be the helpful toolbox that can be applied to analyze Munro’s stories. We people want an order and as a result we create the hierarchy system, a tree system but that is not the reality. The reality goes like a rhizome. Reality is much more complex than the black-and-white mode or the tree-like mode. …show more content…

In her stepfather’s words, Clark is a loser and “one of those drifters”. Her stepfather really despises Clark. As far as he is concerned, Clark seems “was a bug he could just whisk off his clothes”. (Munro, 2004: 29) Carla’s mother tells Carla that Clark will definitely break her daughter’s heart. In her mother’s words, “that is a sure thing”. (28) Also, when Sylvia asks Carla about her family in order to figure our a way to help Carla run away from her husband, Carla mentioned that “they (her parents) hated Clark”. This could be one of the reasons that make Carla run away from her

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