
Time For Prayer: The Importance Of Prayer

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Prayer time is a point during each day when we meet the Lord in a quiet place to pray to God. To pray to God is to talk to Him, to worship and thank Him. We also ask for blessings, to say sorry for our sins, to pray for our own needs and the needs of others, to read the Scripture and listen to His words.
Prayer connects us to God. Prayer is not a duty to do but a privilege. We don’t have to fall in line coming to God, nor must we wait for just the right opportunity. God is always eager and willing to meet us any time. And He does more than just listening to our requests. What we attempt to convey to God is more important to Him than we can imagine. God cares about us, He is concerned not only with His plan for us but with our concerns, our …show more content…

To come into God’s presence every day, we need to prepare for it. If we fail to set aside time, it will not happen. The responsibility to prepare our lives to seek God’s presence is upon us and no one else. To make a room for prayer is difficult, because it means getting away from those things that present themselves as urgent, important and essential. We must decide well before the moment we will get away and pray—at all costs. It means we have to set aside our other concerns and focus on God. To pray effectively, we need to spend time alone with …show more content…

The aim of keeping a journal is to write your prayer list on which you record the date, the prayer request, the date the request was answered, and the list of things that you want to thank God for. How many times have you asked God for something, received an answer, but forgotten you have even asked God for it? Recording requests and the date answered will help you avoid omission. Your prayer list will help you pray specifically. By His examples and teaching, Jesus encourages us to present God with specific request- those that have to do with our needs, our relationships or anything that concerns

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