
Timocracy, Oligarchy, And Tyranny

Good Essays

In the Republic of Plato Socrates presents four potential regimes that a society could bases its structure around. These four regimes are Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy (and Anarchy), and Tyranny. Within each one of these regimes Socrates goes into great detail on how each term would be valued and categorized in their society. These regimes all could be understood in the order in which there presented in desirability falling one into the other. Each description leads into the other regime in order of how they would best operate as a society. This essay will briefly highlight and describe each of the regime step-by-step in order to determine what qualities each has. By determining the qualities each regimes has one will be able to understand …show more content…

One could imagine the type of society and how it function if they consider the concept of the military. Timocracy is the type of system that is ran like a military style government. Timocracy is the highest form of government that isn’t aristocracy. The drive of a Timocracy society is driven by a chain of command towards a common goal. Those goals aren’t like the usual goals of how America is portrayed. In a Timocracy society honor is at the forefront of the society’s goal. Honor and duty is what is most valued by the rulers of this type of system. An oligarchy society is one that is greed based, has few rulers, and corrupted. Oligarchy society government is what most types of economic systems create. This is the type of government that is prided on money. A democracy is a pure liberty and equality based with many rulers. Citizens attempt to get everything they want. This leads to chaos which in turns enters into the tranny government. A tranny government system is one that is fear based with one or very few …show more content…

The money circulation is kept within those perimeters of the elite group. The money doesn’t circulate and help the society as a whole. So, those who really need assistants and depend on the government to actually be a democracy system are being failure by their own government in America. The poor don’t have any access to gain any wealth through work or networking because they don’t have the hierarchy of inheritances that most of the elite members in society have. Therefore, the poor and working class are trying to move forward and better themselves however, their chances of ever growing finically are limited to none. This is also problematic because crime will be the alternative for those who have nothing to live for. “It’s plain, therefore, I said, “that in a city where you see beggars somewhere in the neighborhood thieves, cutpurses, temples robbers, and craftsmen of all such evils are hidden.”(552d bloom). By having a regime as bad as an oligarchy society the results of why those individuals who fall short of the elite classes isn’t always a result of their family ties. If education and more resources were available for them they could potentially be leaders and society and have a pure and quality life. This is where America failures to take care of those who were not fortunate enough to have the things that would aid them in having a bright future. If America would take the time to aid

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