There it is, the Titanic, scattered along the ocean floor. It lays peaceful and undisturbed. Looking away for only a moment, people are going to awake the grave site. This is not necessarily a good thing. Further, out in the distance, you can see the people that once belonged. They are crying out to their loved ones, longing to regain their tranquility once again. The artifacts down in the Titanic are very symbolic, which must stay. To some, it is to remember the ones that have been lost, and even what can happen from a tragedy. The true problem is should we bring these relics to museums, or should be we leave them be. Good may come from this, but maybe it cannot. These precious artifacts must remain where they are meant to be, even if that means they are thousands of miles apart from us. As history unravels more artifacts and more artifacts are found; the deeper you look, the more you find. A perfect example …show more content…
M. S. Titanic. The ship has meaning behind it, also known as a symbol. It shows how arrogance can lead to ruin, even if it was a tiny hut to the Titanic. People may not realize that ,due to fact that it hides beneath the shadow of the lives that were lost and who are now only in our memories. Families and friends now have a connection between this former incident. So why is this important? Well, we must honor those who have lost their lives, and the families and friends that had to bear the pain. Robert Ballard, the man who found the Titanic, has an opinion on this topic too. "My vision of the future," he added, "is that Titanic will be much like the Arizona or Gettysburg [Civil War battlefield], where people can visit and pay their respects," according to the second article used. Numerous numbers of people feel this way,
As we know we had a devastating lost when the titanic sunk, however today our own Robert Ballard has spent hours upon hours looking for the titanic and he found the phenomenon of the unsinkable ship.
In my opinion, cruise is great, but I do understand your view on cruises. That reminds me of the video things that wind can do: at sea, how the waves in the oceans was very high they did look dangerous. Also, how the waves were rocking the barge that made some of the vehicles fell overboard. I agree with you on how the whole state of Georgia has really gotten a major hurricane.
The Artifact Exhibition of the Titanic at the Luxor Hotel and Casino will take your breath away with real and historic items that were recovered from the wreckage. There are more than 250 different objects that will make you feel probably the emotions and the fear that the passengers felt on that dramatic day.
“One is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, distorted, skimmed over. The difficulty, of course, with this philosophy is that history loses its value as an incentive and example; it paints perfect men and noble nations, but it does not tell the truth.”
Thesis: (Today I will be discussing the building of the Titanic, the sinking of the ship and the movie that was made about it.)
Lets talk about deep sea exploration.For many years scientist only wanted to see what was up.Know one wanted to see what was down.My question is why not go under water since 70% of our planet is under water.We have oceans all around us.
I think the Titanic should be preserved so people can see it and experience it. Say your kids or grandkids may want to see it but can't of they don't preserve it. It should be preserved so everyone can come see the huge attraction. If they one day bring it up you'll see so many attractions and things
When people look outside, people may see trees, a blue sky and green grass but there is a test going on between human creations and the long standing creator, mother nature. The Titanic is a marvelous example of one of our tried, and failed ideas to survive mother nature. The Titanic was killed not because of a flaw in her building, but a flaw in the humans that were supposed to keep her and her passengers safe. The Titanic was special from the blueprints, to the changes she made and how we are all safer for it.
I think we should preserve the Titanic, because it would bring in people to where the museum will be. When people come to
Have you ever seen a movie where the female lead is hopeless and needs help from a man to help her? Or, perhaps you have seen a movie where the female lead acts like a dumb blonde or uneducated for attention.
From this we acquire the first realization that history, as an academic study, does not exist in a vacuum, nor does it rely solely on its own vices. In contrast, we see that in the interminable quest to find the answer to the question of “what-really-happened-in-the-past” often we rely on things that were not necessarily originally designed to be works of history and people that do not consider themselves historians to provide an accurate picture of life at the time. (Note: looking at the historical qualities of architecture and buildings shows another example of this idea; they can show a lot about a culture, such as lifestyle, artistic sensibilities and social structure)
I think the titanic should be preserved because it's decayin right now. The titanic should be preserved because it's rusting away. The people that died on the ship, their family mite want it preserved. They might want a peice to remember, and that everybody will remember.
For it is our definite obligation to trace back all the broken patterns in order to recreate the true moments of our own beginnings. To illustrate, if we were to compare an American history textbook written before the 20th century to one written in the 21st century, we would be confused with the information portrayed, due to the fact that as the generations advance, information is being altered, inclusively specious data is being added. Just like us humans, our nations also witness the passage of events that dramatically affect its political philosophies and eventually its survival to conclusively become part of forgotten
On April 14,1912 a great ship called the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. That night there were many warnings of icebergs from other ships. There seems to be a conflict on whether or not the warnings reached the bridge. We may never know the answer to this question. The greatest tragedy of all may be that there were not
“History is what teaches us about our lives. It reminds us of what we are made of and what we might become, if we are willing to learn from it.” By James Wolfensohn